Hier bent u: CW360 voor MKB-banken en alternatieve financiële instellingen.

Voor de koplopers.

Degenen die begrijpen dat het voldoen aan de AML-richtlijnen vandaag en morgen een toekomstgerichte oplossing vereist, een oplossing die een einde maakt aan de onnodige hoeveelheid handmatig werk (en fouten), de onneembare resourceplanning, de bedrijfsregels die nog in Excel staan, de 80% 90% false positives, en vooral: de blinde vlekken die tot nu toe onvermijdelijk waren.

CW360 is uw toekomstige oplossing. Spring erop en krijg controle.

Regain full control and at the same time reduce compliance costs significantly, thanks to applied Artificial Intelligence, automation and machine-learning. Get a more resilient business, with the chance of (personal) fines and penalties diminished and the greater need (that reassuring feeling of comfort) served. 

Transaction Monitoring and Know Your Clients, the perfect combination.

CW360 houses two great solutions in one: Transaction Monitoring and Know Your Clients (KYC). It’s also possible to use them separately. But if you want to experience 360 ​​degree control and comfort, use both.


Enjoy the proven concept of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Only when transactions fail to fit a known and expected behaviour will outliers be reported for further investigation. Confirmed outliers will strengthen the machine learning model to alert on such cases. And the rejected ones (i.e. false positives) will teach the system to accept such behaviour in the future.

Completely new behaviours? The system will define new profiles which will go through the process of approval and lead to a better performance in the future.

Some key features:

Case management.

Store and track all client data at your fingertips

Alert handling.



At a touch of a button.

Audit trial.

The easiest way to Track and Trace.


From now on blind spots are of the past.

Probably the most valuable feature of our Transaction Monitoring solution: thanks to Machine Learning,Transaction Monitoring sorts through all profiles and transactions, seeing connections you could never have found before. Blind spots are of the past and only the real red flags are spotted. It gives you the feeling of comfort. You no longer have to worry about making mistakes and a lack of control.

"We de-risk and reduce the cost of compliance: a win win situation."


Know Your Clients, real fast.

Our KYC solution guides you through the entire process, adding to the quality and content of your due diligence procedure. So, start minimizing the time and effort spent on due diligence and maximize time on the analysis! It couldn’t be easier!


Easy, Said, Done.

Highly educated people shouldn’t spend 80% of their time on administrative tasks. With our partly automated KYC process, data gathering, screening, acceptance, monitoring and reporting, you save time. So you can focus instead on value added activities.

The reassuring feeling of being compliant and always having the right resources.

Your team will gain complete insight into the latest market knowledge on how to translate your AML risks into controls, making sure all regulatory requirements are met. Ensuring that you’re fully prepared for all new developments coming your way.

We are partners, not consultants.

We’re not consultants, nor IT-nerds, we are from the business. So we know exactly the need. With our service model, personal support, change experts and experienced professionals who’ve already rolled our compliance software out successfully at banks all over the world, we empower your team and make sure CW360 works optimally for your organization.